Saturday, April 3, 2010

Week 4: Recap

So… it’s been a rough week. I suppose I could blame it on a certain “friend” who came to visit yesterday. The week before her visit is always a little rough in the food department; I go back and forth between sweet & salty and don’t have much by way of willpower.

I haven’t weighed in this week; and don’t plan to. I’m still going to attend the meeting, in fact, I need to be getting ready right about now. Between my “friend” and how I’ve eaten this week, I just don’t want to face the number on the scale. I still need to go and participate in the meeting though.

I will absolutely do better this week. It would be pretty hard not to!

1 comment:

  1. I weigh in tomorrow and this past weekend was the first time in almost two months that I have "let" myself cheat.

    I am scared to even look.

